Debate Coaching

With years of competition, Charis is excited to pour back into students looking to grow their skills! Whether you're writing your first case, or looking to refine your responses to top arguments, she would love to work with you.

1 Hour: $25

Note: Sessions must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.

Speech Coaching

Having competed in every Stoa speech event, Charis has grown an appreciation for a broad variety of communication skills and styles. Whether you're looking for tips on interp blocking, improving your apologetics content, organizing extemporaneous speeches, or brainstorming platform ideas, Charis would love to help you reach your full potential!

1 Hour: $25

Note: Sessions must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.

Club Coaching

Having coached clubs for the past five years, Charis is prepared to engage in a group setting. Whether you're looking for speech or debate coaching, Charis would love to help students prepare limited prep cards, practice speeches, discuss arguments and rhetoric, or introduce them to the world of speech and debate!


Book a Session

If you are ready to schedule a session today, you can view Charis' availability below!

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