Charis Baker Founder & Coach
Charis has years of public speaking experience including five years of competitive speech and debate. During her time in the speech and debate, Charis competed in each limited prep, platform, interpretative speech, and multiple wildcard speeches. Charis has competed in Lincoln Douglas, Team Policy, and Parliamentary Debate. Early on in her career she quickly discovered her love for research, strategy, and concise communication.
Charis' primary goal in both competition and coaching is to cultivate skills that enable young people to clearly and confidently speak truth to a broken and hurting world. Charis' goal is "that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" as 1 Peter 2:9 says. In a culture that will surround them with darkness, Charis prays that there will be a people who cannot help but proclaim the light.
At the national tournament her senior year, Charis became the Lincoln Douglas Speaker Champion, maintaining her place as season-long Speaker Champion, and went to finals in Extemporaneous speaking. During her time as a competitor, Charis competed in multiple Lincoln Douglas and Parliamentary Debate finals and various speech finals.
Charis has been coaching students since her sophomore year in high school when she began leading camps and break-out groups at local clubs and assisting in online clubs. Her passion is to help students develop their communication skills and use them for a greater purpose. After many years of being poured into by other students and coaches, she is blessed to continue that impact. Whether you're looking for direction on writing your first speech, improving your research, or increasing the impact of your case, Charis would love to talk to you!